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what is

Group Credit Life.

Credit Life Insurance is a form of insurance specifically designed for institutions that grant credit to clients.
It provides a cost effective way to ensure that outstanding debt is settled should a client die or become disabled
during the period that he/she accessed credit or loan facilities from the institution.

Metro Life Tanzania provides life cover, permanent disability cover and temporary disability cover
for the following forms of outstanding debt:

  • Secured Loans
  • Unsecured Loans
  • Mortgage loans
  • Personal loans
  • Vehicle loans
  • Overdraft facilities
  • Credit Card facilities
  • Micro-finance loans
  • Agriculture Loans
  • SME Loans
  • SACCOS & MSE Loans

Group Credit Life Benefit

This benefit protects the credit provider against the risk of the loan holder dying while there is still credit outstanding.
The benefit can be structured to pay out any of the following to the credit provider should the loan holder die:

  • The outstanding loan balance
  • The original loan amount
  • The loan amount at the previous scheme renewal date
  • The maximum credit facility offered to the client


The most appropriate type of benefit will depend on the type of loan being covered. Credit Life is a cost effective way for credit providers to manage the risk of default in the event of the loan holder’s death.

What type of Benefit offered.

Lump sum payment

What types of Loans are Covered?

  • Mortgage loans
  • Personal loans
  • Vehicle loans
  • Overdraft facilities
  • Credit Card facilities
  • Micro-finance loans

Do you any Other Benefits?

The following optional benefits can be added to Credit Life :

  • Permanent & Total Disability
  • Temporary Disability

What is the Cover period?

Cover will continue until the earliest of the following:

  • The loan that is granted is repaid in full, or
  • The premiums which are due cease, or
  • The loan holder reaches the maximum age, or
  • A Death or Permanent & Total Disability Benefit becomes payable, or
  • The loan holder defaults on loan for reasons other than those covered under the policy
PTD Benefit

Permanent & Total
Disability Benefit

This is a lump sum benefit paid out to the credit provider if the loan holder becomes permanently disabled and
is no longer able to perform their job or a similar job. The benefit amount will be the same as covered by the Credit Life Benefit
(e.g. outstanding balance, original loan amount etc.)


It is a cost effective way for credit providers to manage the risk of default in the event that the loan holder becomes disabled and is no longer able to work and earn an income. By adding the Permanent & Total Disability Benefit to Credit Life the credit provider is comprehensively covered against the major life risks that often cause default.

What type of Benefit offered.

Lump sum payment

What is regarded as a disability is this cover?

In simple terms, the member is regarded as disabled if they can no longer do their own job or a similar job.

What is the waiting period?

The claim will be paid after a waiting period of 6 months from the date of disability. The purpose of this period is to assess if the disability is permanent and total.

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